Программа / Co-making Great Products

Джеф Паттон проектирует и разрабатывает ПО во множестве проектов, от интернет заказа деталей самолетов до электронных медицинских записей. Джеф нацелен на Agile подходы со времен работы в XP команде в 2000 году. Джеф специализируется на применении ориентированных на пользователя методик проектирования, чтобы улучшить Agile требования, планирование и продукт. Его статьи на эту тему можно найти на сайте www.AgileProductDesign.com и в Crystal Clear Алистара Коберна.

Сейчас Джеф - независимый консультант, создатель и модератор Yahoo группы по agile-usability, обозреватель StickyMinds.com и IEEE Software и победитель премии Agile Alliance’s 2007 Gordon Pask Award за вклад в Agile разработку.

“Mediocrity guaranteed.” This sad tagline describes most of the processes we use today including typical agile process. It’s easy to see why: software development is an expensive, risky business. To deal with the risk, we clearly separate responsibilities, creating a client-vendor model so that we know who’s accountable when things go wrong. Although we know things rarely go as planned, and innovative ideas rarely spring from such a relationship, we continue to work in processes where treating our coworkers as outsourced vendors is considered “best practice” and risking everything on the ideas of a select few isn’t regarded as risky.
This talk is about an alternative way of working.
In this talk, Jeff explores companies beginning to adopt a style of working where everyone in the organization gets involved with identifying and solving problems. You’ll hear examples from real companies describing their practices for learning first-hand about customers and users.  You’ll learn about practices for collaboratively designing solutions for the problems found in the real world, and approaches for learning if what we created really benefited anyone. This new style of work is a process cocktail combining the best of agile development, lean software development and lean startup, user-centered design, and collaborative design thinking.
This style of work isn’t the traditional client-vendor model where knowing who’s to blame is the primary concern. It’s a co-making style of work where everyone brings their skills and experience to the table and together takes ownership for making great products.

Уровень аудитории: новички, практикующие, эксперты

Направления: Product Management

На доклад идут: 31 Мне интересно

Приглашаем пройти тренинг Jeff Patton

Создание продуктов, которые полюбят ваши клиенты: Сертифицированный курс Product Owner

Дата проведения: 27 — 28 марта (2 дня)
Стоимость: 65 000 рублей, вкл. НДС

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